Close encounters…..


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Close Encounters News Alert! Oh no..too much Aries energy!

Wow! Last week was like “sudden impact” due to the plethora of Aries energy: New moon, Uranus, Mercury (retrograde no less), and the Sun was all in this snap, crackle, pop sign. No offense my Aries buddies, but when there is too much of a good thing…well, it’s not good anymore. Too much of this type of energy, if used unwisely, can lead to our exposure to rash, dangerous behavior. Then we might feel vulnerable like our pal Mr. Bill…oohh, noo!

Yes, a little humor is good amid the negative vibes of last week…..

  • The very unfortunate Trayvon Martin case. Everyone needs to help cool this thing down. Why? A premature arrest could have a legal technicality rendering a not guilty verdict when impetuous Mr. Zimmerman goes to trial. Then what? Can you imagine how the crowd will react if this occurs. Best to calm down and allow the legal process to proceed. It’s not the best system and it’s not flawless. Look at Casey Anthony? Anyway, it’s all we have.
  • Mohamed Merah terrorist horror in France. All of a sudden he was swept away by his “dark passenger” and decided to execute people, including children no less. I wrote about Uranus in Aries in my “The Costa Concordia Disaster” post (see recent posts). However, this is the worse I have seen because this involves children!
  • My personal close encounter with two cyclist of the cycling club that I’m a member of. It’s very sad to mention that those two members collapsed and died suddenly while cycling last week. Hindsight is 20/20 but perhaps these two gentlemen rushed to take a ride that they didn’t train enough for, or was not healthy enough to do. Sad indeed.

Dear readers, please take note of the common thread running through each event: uncontrollable emotions which led to unpredictable, sudden behavior without forethought. Try not to fall into this trap.

Instead embrace the positive mood of all this abundance of Aries energy: sudden inspiration followed by plans to make your dreams a reality!
Does anyone have anything inspirational they would like to share? Please post! We could all use something inspiring now anyway…

Know what’s happening to you and around you….be wise, be well!

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