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News Alert! Happy Mother’s Day..Mother Earth!!

I Love Mommy Earth!

Greetings! Your friendly close encounters correspondent is a little late posting about Earth Day, which was April 22, 2012, but I have been totally immersed in publishing for ViktoriAstrology.Com. You see, my job is to also keep people enlightened and empowered by giving them insights about the energies that surround us each month. Anyway, moving right along….

But why should I feel that I’m late writing about Mother Earth? Should we only recognize her on Earth Day? I think not–especially since we are inhabiting and enjoying her every living moment of our lives.

So, here’s my ode to Mother Earth especially since we will be approaching an Earth Grand Trine this weekend. A Grand Trine, in astrology, is when three planets are in harmonious sync with each other thereby allowing us to take advantage of some very opportune moments indeed. The players in this Grand Trine are the Earth signs: Mars in Virgo, Jupiter in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn. In honor of our great planet, I’ll interpret this abundance of energy as follows:

  • Mars in Virgo: Since Mars symbolizes our assertive energy and Virgo symbolizes staying healthy let’s push information about how healthy it is for us to include nutritional goodies our Mommy Earth has given us, like our yummy fruits and vegetables, in our diets. And what about our water and air? If that’s not clean (Virgo also symbolizes “cleanliness”), we can’t stay healthy.
  • Jupiter in Taurus: Jupiter represents all forms of growth and Taurus symbolizes appreciation of beauty. Take a break and smell the flowers that grow on our planet. Nurture and appreciate nature, and all of its creatures big and small. These are the miracles born from Mommy Earth!
  • Pluto in Capricorn: Pluto represents change as a result of getting rid of all that which is no longer necessary for further development–like anything that’s toxic on our beloved planet. Being in Capricorn, which is the sign of responsibility, hopefully we will continuously strive to preserve a holistic organic lifestyle. I definitely taste the difference when I munch on some organic meats and vegetables. Why are we munching on hormones? How did we get so irresponsible?

So, Happy Mother’s Day Mother Earth; and to all of you mommies be wise and be well. Happy Mommy Day!!

Any comments about how we can appreciate our planet? Please post….

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