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News Alert! Supreme Court, Obamacare, and Mars Retrograde

Oh boy. Not even our President can escape the lessons of Mars retrograde which is to avoid inadvertent transgressions towards others while it is in effect. His assertive blunder against the Supreme Court Justices was a perfect example of a big no, no when this energy is in play….

“I’m confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress,” President Obama

Ooops! Your humble close encounters correspondent will explain why this is a faux pas…

In astrology, Mars symbolizes our assertiveness and our will to take action. When it is retrograde, (which means from our vantage point on earth it appears to be traveling backwards because earth is orbiting faster around the sun) the energy promotes looking before leaping into assertive actions. It behooves us to be hesitant and examine our impulses before acting upon them.

This could be why the President’s quick criticism (retro mars is in Virgo, the sign of the critic) of the Supreme Court resulted in backlash….

  • According to Jeffrey T. Kuhner of the Washington Times: “Mr. Obama’s comments are false. It would not be “unprecedented” or “extraordinary” if the Supreme Court overturns Obamacare. For more than 200 years, the high court has struck down countless laws passed by Congress or state legislatures…”
  • After many legal scholars were shocked over the President’s remarks, Attorney Gen. Holder had to show humility by telling a federal appeals court that President Obama respects the Supreme Court’s power to rule on the constitutionality of the nation’s laws.

You know what, I also find it uncanny that reviewing the details of a law that can have profound and far-reaching effects on our healthcare system is happening now. Retrograde means “to go back”; and Virgo symbolizes health.

Well my fellow constituents, I will end with the lesson of Mars retrograde with this: Basically, when you are feeling angry, or frustrated because you are not getting your way, before you lash out, take five, and ask yourself why the anger, or why the attack. The aggressor rarely wins during a mars retrograde. Remember, the more we know and understand the energies that surround us, the wiser we will be. So… be wise, we well! At least this retro will be over on April 14th.

Anyone experiencing an inadvertent attack or criticism from someone since mid-January? How did you handle unnecessary criticism? Your comments are welcomed.

Visit ViktoriAstrology for more insightful content. Peace!

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