Close encounters…..


Archive for the tag “new moon”

A close encounter with the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on 11/23…

Hi dear readers. I had a mental close encounter (deep thinker I am sometimes) of what this new moon eclipse in Scorpio means, and I came up with this in a nutshell:

solar eclipse

Short, sweet, right to the point. I’ll just add a couple more things to dress this up:

  • This new moon solar eclipse energy, that symbolizes taking action towards forming something new in our lives, is potent with the theme of change. And with the backdrop of Uranus (symbol of rebellion and unpredictability) in a tense alignment with Pluto (symbol of ending to begin anew) we are urged to transform some element or situation in our lives. We know what it is; I’m not going to be coy here. Nonetheless, we hold on to the status quo because we are afraid to take a leap of faith. Not a time for that now.
  • One more thing. Because this eclipse is during a Mercury Retrograde, this is the time to chill out and reflect on what needs to transform, and how are we going to do it. Plant the mental seeds now, formulate a plan, and by mid-December it will probably be a good time to march forth into the land of, yes, unknown. But usually it is better than staying still in the land of unhappiness, stagnation, or death (in a figurative sense).

We all have the proverbial “fork in the road” now. Time to choose which way to go. Question: Do you feel change acomin’? What say you? Appreciate a post….

Contact me at Viktori Astrology Life Coach if you have any questions, comments, or just to say HI! Be Wise, Be Well!

Note to my subscribers: Sorry. You’ll be getting this post again. Please disregard the first one, some data was lost–which is typical of mercury retrograde 🙂

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